Start feeling in control of your marketing tasks.
Let’s knock out your to-do list.

Is your marketing to-do list is never-ending?
Do you often think about how you need to send that marketing email, update your website copy, or even just make that post for social media? You know what you need to get done, but when?
I get it. When you’re a small business, there are often times you are working in your business so much that you forget to work ON your business.
You know you need to hire someone, but maybe you just aren’t ready to make that jump into a full-time marketing assistant.
What if you could delegate those marketing tasks to someone else? Imagine knowing that those tasks are being completed so you can finally shut the laptop down at the end of the day without those tasks lurking in the back of your mind.
Join my Buy the Hour Membership today and get hourly marketing services that can help you finally clear those sticky notes off of your desk.
What tasks can be done with Buy the Hour?
- Social Media Platform Audit & Analysis
- Social Media Graphic Creation
- Email Copywriting
- Website Copy Updates
- Landing / Sales Page Creation
Have I got your attention?
What Buy the Hour Includes
An Onboarding Consultation to Review Your Business Goals then a followup call every quarter
Two Hours per Month of Marketing Assistance (with the ability to add hours when needed!)
Free resources like social media templates, email templates, and much more!